Monday, June 1, 2009


TPK and TPACK are both ways of using technology in the classroom. Or ways of thinking about how to incorperate technology into the classroom. TPK is knowledge of how you use technology in general teaching context. TPACK is the knowledge of how to use technology to teach content specific knowledge. An example of TPK would be a powerpoing a teacher might use but this only allows a student to follow along to learn the information. TPACK would be something like using and the tools it provides to teach my students how to plan healthy meals for themselves and maybe make a movie about it using moviemaker or some other tool.
I hope that I have the reasources and the knowledge to use TPACK in my classroom. Some things I could do are have my students make a public service announcement using photostory or movie maker describing something they see as a social crisis in the health world. Or I could have them do and turn in their assignements using google docs. Maybe their final project could be making a website to promote a healthy lifestyle choice to someone younger than them. There are a lot of things that would be very good in promoting my conent using TPACK.

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