Friday, June 12, 2009

Internet Safety Watching Portion

I found the videos from pbs especially helpful while doing the watching part of this video because it put things in perfect perspective for trying to understand where teenagers come from in there relationships with technology and the internet and here is the link to the pbs video. A very interesting point that this video made was that students are going to use things from the internet and they going to create something of there own from a combination of other peoples works and we need to see that has a positive thing not as a negative thing. The video talked about how having the ability to mold something and change it into something that is going to work for an assignment or something else in there life. We should not think of this as a negative thing we should think of that as an ability and a skill. Another thing this video talked about was how students express themselves through the video. As an adult working with the youth I need to help students find ways of expressing themselves in other ways besides online and I need to make sure I help them find who they are and feel confidant about that so they do not resort to a negative image of themselves on the internet.
While doing this portion it made me sad that my students will have to deal with bullying in a way I never had to: on the internet. That just comes back to the fact that I need to have a postivie atmosphere all the time so that students have a place to come even when they are being bullied. I also need to watch for it as much as possible and do what I can to stop it.

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